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तद्दानं राजसम्  ..  (अध्याय १७ - श्लोक २१)
தத்தானம் ராஜஸம்  ..  (அத்யாயம் 17 - ஶ்லோகம் 21)
Taddaanam Raajasam ..  (Chapter 17 - Shlokam 21)

Meaning :  That is Charity by the person in Mode of Passion (Rajasika) ..

How is donation or charity by a Rajasee or a person in mode of passion ??  Shri Krishna mentions three marks while discussing donation by a Rajasee ..

Prathyupakaaraartham ..  A Raajasee donates or involves in charity only to get return charity ..  He won't hesitate to remind the receiver of his charity that 'it was he who donated to him' ..  In fact , this is an indirect suggestion to show his sense of gratitude and return his charity ..

Phalam Uddishyavaa ..  He expects his donation to bear fruits , beneficial to him ..  If the Saathvika or the person in mode of Knowledge scans the receiver's need and worth while donating , the Raajasee or person in mode of passion scans the influence and power of receiver while donation ..  He would assess the worth of the receiver of his charity and calculate the possible benefits to self accrued from this donation ..

Deeyathe Pariklishtam ..  The Rajasee would donate or involve in charity not with a smile but with pain in heart ..  The donation becomes inevitable as he expects beneficial returns from it , but he won't be happy ..  He gives with pain and with scorn in mind ..  He feels as though he is trapped and has been forced to give away ..


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Chapter X (19 - 42)

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