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ॐ तत् सत्  ...  (अध्याय १७ - श्लोक २३)
ஓம் தத் ஸத் ...  (அத்யாயம் 17 - ஶ்லோகம் 23)
Om Tat Sat ...  (Chapter 17 - Shloka 23)

Meaning :  Om Tat Sat ...  Sound Form Of the Supreme Absolute Truth ..

Om is Pranava Mantra ..  Ekakshara Mantra ..  Mono syllable Mantra ..  Shri Krishna says , "You may see Me in Om ..  I am the EkaAksharam"  "Giraamasmi Ekam Aksharam" ..  It is the Absolute manifested in Sound Form ..  The Nirguna , Niraakaara (Formless and without any attribute) manifested in Sound Form ..  It is an easily practicable instrument for Meditation ..

In another context , Shri Krishna says that , "he who leaves the mortal world meditating on Om reaches Me or the Ultimate Abode" ..  Chanting Om has many subtle effects on brain and relieves from many physical discomforts like breathing difficulties , headaches etc .  It soothes and relaxes the mind ..

Om is a combination of three syllables , a , u and m ..  It encompasses the whole sound system in our bodies ..  'a' is pronounced from the navel , 'u' from the throat and 'm' from the lips ..

Noble acts , Vedik acts are begun with chant of Om ..  Om is the seed or essence of the Vedas ..

A resolution placed before an assembly is approved by sound of 'Ayes' in English system ..  In our tradition , approval by august assemblies is through chant of Om ..  Chant of Om is also used to express appreciation ..

The Sikhs say , "Ek Omkaar" ..  The five MahaVaakya in Jainism carries Om ..  The Buddhists also use Om in its Divine context ..  Thus , Om is a Universal Mantra beyond Religions ..

Tat is 'That' ..  This world is 'Idam' ..  Tat is used to be in His Remembrance ..  Tat is used to fix self on Him and perform all acts for Him ..  Everything in this creation is His ..  The body , the senses , the mind , the intellect etc . are all His ..  We perform various acts using various instruments and things ..  Hence , performing various acts like Yagya , Dana , Karma , Japa , Dhyaan etc . for Him is the best option ..  Tat is chanted , Tat remembered and acts (Rituals) performed for Him ...

Sat is Truth ..  the Only Truth ..  Rest are mythical , appear to be true or real but are ever changing , ever - perishing ..  He is the Only One that Exists ..  The purpose of Yagya , Daana , Karma , Japa and other acts is Him ..  attaining Him ..  These acts are called "Sat-Karma" as these help in travel towards Him ..  Similarly , Sat is used in 'Sat-Purusha' (Good or Noble person) , 'Sat-Sanga' (Company or association of good persons) , 'Sat-Vichara' (Ennobling thoughts) etc ..  These are potent enough to reach us to Sat , the Ultimate ..  Noble attributes like compassion , pardon etc .. are called 'Sad-Bhavana' ..  Shraddha on Divine is 'San-Nishthaa' ..

'Om Tat Sat' is a Mantra ..  Shri Totapuri Maharaj used this Mantra when he offered Deeksha of Nirvikalpa Samadhi to Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ..


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