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काम्यानां कर्मणां न्यासं सन्न्यासम् ।  (अध्याय १८ - श्लोक २)
காம்யானாம் கர்மணாம் ந்யாஸம் ஸந்ந்யாஸம் - (அத்யாயம் 18 - ஶ்லோகம் 2)
Kaamyaanaam Karmanaam Nyaasam Sannyaasam ... (Chapter 18 - Shlokam 2)

Meaning :  Giving up actions motivated by desire is Sannyaasam ...

Sannyaas is part of Varnashrama System in Hindu Dharma ..  It is the last of the four phases in a Hindu life and one is expected to renounce worldly life and devote to the Divine in this phase ..  It is a beautiful way to prepare self for a graceful and beautiful exit from this world ..  Worldly life is full of actions , various types of actions ..  Renouncing worldly life will naturally be assumed as renunciation of all actions ..  But , it is not possible to renounce actions and lead a life of inaction ..  It is more difficult if the Sannyaasi has strength and agility left in his body and if he has a few persons around him who regard themselves as his disciples ..  He will be drawn into actions ..  He'll be gradually involved in organizing institutions ..  At least , he will start counselling and guiding ..  The suggestion by Shri Krishna is that a Sannyaasi need not renounce actions , may well continue with actions , but should renounce affection for these works , eliminate 'self - agenda' for these actions ..

Many of the modern day Sannyaasis compare selves with Christian pastors and involve in running hospitals , schools , colleges , hostels etc .  Naturally , they are surrounded by bank accounts , Government officials , bribe and commissions , controversies over tax payment , cases in Judicial courts , controversies in scandalous rumour mongering print and electronic media , politicians with all their arm-twisting tactics and corrupt ways ..  Disputes over property and assets , faction fights have not left even Sannyaasis untouched ..

Yog , Veda , AyurVeda , Vedanta , Bhagawad Gita , Divine Hymns in various languages , Dharma Shastra , Temple Priesthood and worship ways in temples , Music , Astrology , Sculpture , Bhajan singing etc . are fields related to Dharma and Religion ..  Won't it be more fruitful if Sannyaasis run institutions to impart training in these fields !!!  Such an effort would generate Dharmik persons and would help in sustaining these traditional fields ..  Running English medium schools to teach 'modern' education may generate money but not better Hindus ..  Such schools and colleges breed suitable employees for Multi-National companies and Amerikan bosses ..  Running these schools is the job of commercial organizations and business men ..  definitely , not that of Sannyaasis ..  Today , Shri Ramdev Baba is probably the only one among renowned Sannyaasis , who does not run modern day schools but runs prestigious institutions for Yog and AyurVeda ..  Shri Shankara Matt , especially the Kanchi Matt runs more than 250 Veda Patashala Shri RamDevBaba also runs Veda Patashala ..  Sannyaasis ought to do this ..  Even these should be managed by house - holder employees , not by Sannyaasis ..  Sannyaasis should only be source of Inspiration and motivation ..


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