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सर्व धर्मान परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणम् व्रज ...  (अध्याय १८ - श्लोक ६६)
ஸ்ர்வ தர்மான் பரித்யஜ்ய மாமேகம் ஶரணம் வ்ரஜ  ...  (அத்யாயம் 18 - ஶ்லோகம் 66)
Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Maamekam Sharanam Vraja  ...  (Chapter 18 - Shloka 66)

Meaning :  Quitting everything else and surrender only to Me alone ...

This phrase is part of the Shloka regarded as 'Peak' of the Gita ..

There are two parts in this phrase ..  Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya is the first ..  Maamekam Sharanam Vraja is the second ..  Do not retain anything for yourself ..  Do not save anything for yourself ..  Do not be concerned about own aspirations , targets , own decisions etc ..  leave all these and surrender ..  Surrender totally ..  Do not look to other sources ..  Do not search for other routes ..  Surrender only unto Me ..  is the other ..

Surrender is not total when we retain something for self ..  Shri Krishna did not help Draupadi , so long she held on to her saree and called Shri Krishna for help , when she was being dishonoured in the Court ..  She let go her saree , raised both her hands and called Shri Krishna and Shri Krishna instantly came to her rescue ..

The captains in Duryodhana's army held their own personal resolutions , pledges , emotions , own relationships , own reputation , name and fame at a higher plane than their wish for their Army's victory ..  Bheeshma's opinion on Shikhandi was very firm ..  He refused to retaliate to Shikhandi's attack and eventually fell ..

Karna regarded his own name and fame ..  He was reputed for his charity ..  His contempt for Bheeshma prompted him to stay away from the battle field ..  His contempt was greater for him than his wish for his friend Duryodhan's victory in the battle ..  He knew that he would be killed and his side will lose in the battle , if he gave away the protection gear and his ear ring ..  Yet , his self - image was greater for him than his friend's victory in battle ..

Drona's emotional attachment with his son was strong ..  So also Arjuna's for his son Abhimanyu ..  Abhimanyu was killed on the battle field ..  Bheema's son Ghatotkacha was killed in the battle ..  Even Duryodhana's son was killed on the battle field ..  They carried on with the battle ..  But , Drona was disturbed , not by death of his son Ashwatthaamaa , but on hearing mere NEWS of his son's death ..  He refused to fight , threw away his arms and was killed ..

The Pandavas had surrendered to Shri Krishna ..  Yudhishthira the eldest , was wedded to Truth ..  He had always spoken the Truth ..  But , he left that at Shri Krishna's behest and spoke a lie ..  Arjuna carried a conviction of not attacking an unarmed enemy ..  He agreed to attack Karna , while he was involved in pulling out his chariot wheel struck in mud , again at the behest of Shri Krishna ..  Bheema , an expert in Gada Yuddha (the maze) was bound by the rule of not hitting the enemy below the belt ..  He too did not hesitate to hit Duryodhana on his thighs on clear instruction from Shri Krishna ..

Surrender unto Me alone ..  Have complete Faith and conviction (Shraddha) in Me ..  May we surrender unto the Divine , the ultimate Power ..  King Trishanku surrendered to a human (Shri Vishwamitra) for accomplishing his aspiration of reaching the Swarg (the world of Gods) with his body ..  He could not .. More than that , he was kicked and insulted and had to remain hanging head down in space ..  The snake surrendered unto the King of Gods , Indra , to protect himself from the sacrificial fire raised by Janamejay ..  He could not be protected by Indra ..  More than that , he put Indra's life at risk ..  It is wisdom to surrender unto the Ultimate and Supreme Power ..

Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Maamekam Sharanam Vraja ...  Give up everything and Surrender unto Me alone ..


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