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ना तपस्काय , ना भक्ताय , न शुश्रूषवे , न मां असूयते  ...  (अध्याय १८ - श्लोक ६७)
நா தபஸ்காய ..  நா பக்தாய நா அஶுஶ்ரூஷவே  ..  நா மாம் அஸூயதே  ..  (அத்யாயம் 18 - ஶ்லோகம் 67)
Naa Tapaskaaya Naa Bhaktaaya Naa ashushrooshave  Naa Asooyate ...  (Chapter 18 - Shloka 67)

Meaning :  Do Not discuss Gita with one not devoted , one not dedicated , one who does not want to listen , one who is Jealous ...

What is wrong with putting an effort ??  Gita is a Good Idea and Shri Krishna is also good ..  A Good person should not prevent a good and elevating Idea from reaching everyone ..  But , here Shri Krishna is discouraging us from discussing the Gita with a few persons ..  It does not seem proper ..

Though all are equal for Shri Krishna , He asks us to avoid sharing the worthy Gita with an unworthy and unqualified person ..  "Do not discuss the Gita with the person who lacks Penance , Devotion , Interest and one who is jealous" says Shri Krishna ..

Gita should not be shared with one who lacks penance ..  One who lacks penance will not have a peaceful mind ..  A restless mind and distracted mind can not grasp deeper ideas ..  It is an effort in vain to try to discuss Gita with him ..  One without devotion will lack conviction and will power ..  He can not look beyond the perceivable , sensual world ..  He accepts the visible and perceivable as ultimate truth ..  Gita is a subtle idea and can not be grasped by a mind lacking devotion and conviction ..

Why should we speak the Gita to one who is not interested ..  Not only Gita , nothing should be shared or discussed with the disinterested ..  That is like watering an arid land ..  The jealous is as good as blind ..  Jealousy blinds his discrimination and thinking faculties ..  These are all persons unable to digest the essence of Gita ..

It is not enough to merely listen to the Gita ..  It has to be pondered into ..  The idea has to be digested and has to be firmly planted deep in our psyche ..  One may be forced to listen to the Gita , but can not be forced to think and digest the Idea ..  He has to do that on his own ..  Hence the suggestion by Shri Krishna not to discuss the Gita with the above mentioned persons ..


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