ॐ PHRASES IN THE GITA - 55 उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानं अवसादयेत् । (अध्याय ६ - श्लोक ५) உத்தரேதாத்மனாத்மானம் நாதமானம் அவஸாதயேத் ... (அத்யாயம் 6 - ஶ்லோகம் 5) Udhdharedaatmanaatmaanam Naatmaanam Avasaadayet ... (Chapter 6 - Shloka 5) Meaning : Always Elevate Self . Never denigrate yourself . Elevation , Improvement , is a thing to carried out through out the life . Generally , we tend to compare self with others resulting in a competition with them ,. The competition may be open as on streets in cities . (Comparison with other vehicles and an impulsive speed race ..) It may be secretive and happening in mind . Colour of skin , house , social status , wealth , youthfulness etc . or anything else may be factor for comparison . We aggressively or passively start putting in efforts with an intent to get the same for self . This may be a long drawn affair and may stretch to many yea...
राम गोपाल रत्नम्